Rueda de Casino

Rueda de Casino

Tuesday Schedule:

7:30 - 8:15pm Kizomba

8:15 - 9:00pm Rueda de Casino

9:00 - 9:30pm Open Practice


Starting April 15

progressive series

Sign up now for our progressive series with Guigo Sortica & Amber Newell!

Book your spot!

Best way to manage your class schedule is via the Motivo LA app for iPhone or Android.


  • $120.00 Level 1 (8-weeks) Series ($15 per class)

  • $25.00 Drop-in or save 25-35% with a punch card.

  • $180.00/month Unlimited Membership (all dance styles included)

All pricing options >>>

Open Practice is always included with class!

  • Rueda de Casino is a very particular style of Salsa dancing originated from Salsa Casino, comes from the Casino ‘desportivos’, dance halls where some Cubans used to dance in the mid-1950s. The main characteristic of Rueda de Casino is the fact that it is danced in groups. Three or more couples do choreographed moves, changing partners as the “Casinero/Casilero” calls the moves for the group to do next. It’s a very fun dance, and allows people to interact with the whole group in a single song.

  • Our Level 1 series will teach you all the basics needed to get on the social dance floor with confidence. This series is focused on social dancing and the lead-follow components that accompany it. No past experience is needed for this course.

    Our Level 2 series will explore variations in patterns, partner dynamics, and individual movement. You can expect to find your individuality in partner dancing in this series. This level includes everything from Level 1, allowing you to refine and expand your skills for more complex social dancing.

    Build a strong foundation, expand your knowledge, and develop the skills needed for confident and creative West Coast Swing dancing.

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